Los Angeles-Based Music Legend and Producer David Bluefield Uses Influence to Raise Mental Health Awareness

Nadya Rousseau
2 min readJan 5, 2023

Celebrities and influencers can inspire and shape attitudes, emotions, and actions.

They have a significant influence on society and popular culture. With a large following on social media and in the entertainment industry, these individuals can shape public opinion and, most importantly, drive consumer behavior.

In mental health, this can be particularly impactful in raising awareness and reducing the stigma surrounding the topic.

When they are open about their struggles and share how they have coped with their emotions, it can normalize the subject and encourage those who look up to them to come to terms with seeking help for themselves.

David Bluefield, a talented musician, producer, and composer who has worked with legendary acts like Stevie Nicks, Prince, Ringo Starr, Garth Brooks, and Ice Cube, to name a few, is also the founder of Music Got Your Back. This platform helps people cope with their mental health issues through the power of music.

As someone who has personally experienced the healing power of music, Bluefield understands the value of using music to improve one’s well-being. He has worked tirelessly to make Music Got Your Back as accessible and user-friendly as possible and is passionate about using the platform to help others find solace and relief through music.

“I believe music has a profound impact on everyone’s life and can be an ally, especially in the worst of times. I created a campaign, contest, and movement called HOW MUSIC GOT YOUR BACK. The campaign’s purpose is to get people to share their stories about a time when music helped them through a tough time. I want the world to know how music impacts individuals’ lives,” Bluefield explains on the website.

Celebrities and influencers can also play a valuable role in promoting the healing power of music. By sharing their experiences and advocating for mental health awareness, these individuals can inspire their followers to seek out their resources for improving their well-being, including music and other forms of therapy.

Bluefield’s Music Got Your Back platform provides a range of resources, including a library of music, guided meditation sessions, and a community of supportive users, to help people find relief through the power of music.

“I believe music comes from a stream outside us, but we shape it and encourage it to move in certain patterns. There is no other force in the world that can make better external sense out of what we internally “sense” -how we comprehend the vast range of feelings comprising the human condition,” Bluefield said.

To learn more about David Bluefield’s efforts and mission, visit his website today!



Nadya Rousseau

Founder, Alter New Media |Instagram Marketing Maven |Writer, Producer, and Global Observer